Abundant Life Ministries
Company Name: Abundant Life Ministries
Status: Active
State: West Virginia
Post: 25311-2511
County: Kanawha
City: Charleston
Address: 1534 Washington Street East
Phone: (304)342-0058
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: http://www.abundantlifewv.com
Employees: 4
Overall: Abundant Life Ministries is a business categorized under religious organizations, which is part of the larger category membership organizations. Abundant Life Ministries is located at the address 1534 Washington Street East in Charleston, West Virginia 25311-2511. You can contact by phone (304)342-0058.
Description: Religious Organizations
- Church
- Gospel church
- Non-denominational church
In summary:
- The word of God is preached and the worship service is powerful.
- I would not recommend this place for worship.
- Great ministry and loving people.
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Name: P.L.
Message: I live in Huntsville Alabama, I watch online but anything I need to ask Bishop Crozier he is always there, I went to school with First Lady Renee, they are awesome people.
Name: C.A.
Message: Bible based teaching. Fun. Friendly and welcoming. Active youth ministry.
Name: J.M.
Message: The word of God is preached and the worship service is powerful.
Name: L.G.
Message: Always very friendly people. I would definitely recommend this church if you are seeking the Lord. The spirit is there.
Name: R.C.
Message: This is heather Serls and you always made me feel so very welcome and I like bed the variety of spirits and styles and worship n hugs and stories and praise and song God is so faithful. May he resorted the broken hearted and bind up their wounds! Amen GodBless.
Name: T.B.P.
Message: I was there tonight as a walk in guest and no one came to introduce themself to me nor ask my information as a GUEST. Also, I noticed the Pastor only prophesy to his members and skip over guest. Yes the anointing is in there, but a more welcoming atmosphere would be helpful to guest. I'm from over 5 hours away and saw the church so I stopped in. :(.
Name: D.B.
Message: Welcoming people. Fantastic music good message.