Huntington, West Virginia
West Virginia - List of United States Religious & Business Organizations
Religious Organizations city "Huntington"
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7th Ave Baptist Church
, 240 7th Avenue West, Huntington, WV
A F B Tech
, 949 3rd Avenue, Huntington, WV
, 234 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Alpha Chi Omega
, 1601 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Alpha CHI Omega Sorority
, 1601 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Alpha Sigma PHI
, 906 9th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Alpha Sigma Phi
, 1428 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Alpha Tau Omega
, 1429 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Alpha Xi Delta
, 1645 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Altizer Baptist Church
, 345 2nd Street, Huntington, WV
Altizer Baptist Church
, 4201 Altizer Avenue, Huntington, WV
Altizer First Freewill Baptist
, 216 3rd Street, Huntington, WV
American Cancer Society
, 1336 Hal Greer Boulevard, Huntington, WV
American Guild Church Organist
, 1439 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
American Heart Assn
, 1336 Hal Greer Boulevard, Huntington, WV
American Legion
, 1421 6th Avenue, Huntington, WV
American Legion Post 16
, 1421 6th Avenue, Huntington, WV
American Postal Workers Union
, 1010 10th Street, Huntington, WV
American Postal Workers Union
, P.O. BOX 298, Huntington, WV
American Red Cross
, 1111 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Huntington, WV
Antioch Missionary Baptist Chr
, 1757 10th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Antioch Mssonary Baptst Church
, 1757 10TH AVE, Huntington, WV
Apostolic Life Cathedral
, 350 Staunton Street, Huntington, WV
Apostolic Life Cathedral
, P.O. BOX 3287, Huntington, WV
Appalachian Revival Ministries
, 286 Davis Street, Huntington, WV
ARM Ministries
, 3030 Bradley Road, Huntington, WV
Arthritis Foundation
, 6900 Country Club Drive, Huntington, WV
Asbestos Workers Local 80 Bldg
, 1418 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
, 1 Crested Butte Road, Huntington, WV
B'Nai Sholom Congregation
, 949 10th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Baptist Temple
, 902 21st Street, Huntington, WV
Bates Memorial Presbt Church
, 103 Jefferson Park Drive, Huntington, WV
Bates Memorial Presbyterian
, 103 Jefferson Park Drive, Huntington, WV
Bennie Abshire
, 2925 7th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Bethel Temple Assembly Of God
, 900 9th Street, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills Baptist Church
, 2650 North Terrace, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills Baptist Church
, P.O. BOX 8137, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills Church Christ
, 773 Norway Avenue, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills Church Of Christ
, 773 Norway Avenue, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills Presbyterian Chr
, 469 Norway Avenue, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills United Methodist
, 2600 Washington Boulevard, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills Woman's Club
, 102 Linden Circle, Huntington, WV
Beverly Hills Womens Club
, P.O. BOX 8001, Huntington, WV
Bible Apostolic Church
, 3521 16th Street Road, Huntington, WV
BNai Sholom Congregation
, P.O. BOX 2674, Huntington, WV
Bowen Ridge Church
, 4773 Green Valley Road, Huntington, WV
Boys Scout of America
, 823 Adams Avenue, Huntington, WV
Brotherhood of Locomotive
, 1511 Greenbrier Drive, Huntington, WV
Buffalo Vly Missionary Church
, 872 Buffalo Creek Road, Huntington, WV
Cabell-Wayne Fmly Rsrc Netwrk
, 625 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Calvary Baptist Church
, P.O. BOX 2441, Huntington, WV
, 201 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Caudle Adkins
, 292 Gallaher Street, Huntington, WV
Celebration Center Inc
, 610 19th Street West, Huntington, WV
Central Christian Church
, P.O. BOX 1000, Huntington, WV
Central Free Will Bptst Church
, 451 6th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Central United Methdst Church
, 1043 Jefferson Avenue, Huntington, WV
Chamber of Commerce
, 720 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Chapman Jerry Rev
, 1900 Madison Avenue, Huntington, WV
Charity United Baptist Church
, 2935 Auburn Road, Huntington, WV
Christ Temple
, 2400 Johnstown Road, Huntington, WV
Christ United Methodist Church
, 1458 28th Street, Huntington, WV
Christian Campus Center
, P.O. BOX 1113, Huntington, WV
Church of Christ
, 101 26th Street, Huntington, WV
Church of God
, 123 Larkspur Drive, Huntington, WV
Constrction Gen Lbor Lcal 543
, 1201 7th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Coyotes Wild Dawg Saloon
, 809 3rd Avenue, Huntington, WV
Cricket Bca League 2 Inc
, 2310 Adams Avenue, Huntington, WV
Cross Roads United Meth Care
, 3146 Saltwell Road, Huntington, WV
Crossroads Baptist Church
, 875 Norway Avenue, Huntington, WV
Dan McGlone Rev
, 1138 Spring Valley Drive, Huntington, WV
Daystar Baptist Missions Inc
, 5330 West Pea Ridge Road, Huntington, WV
Deliverance Apostolic Church
, 1882 West Road, Huntington, WV
Dillon Chapel Methodist Church
, 4421 16th Street Road, Huntington, WV
Dillon Chpel Untd Mthdst Chrch
, 4421 16th Street Road, Huntington, WV
Disabled American Veterans
, 640 4th Avenue # 117, Huntington, WV
Disabled American Veterans
, 930 7th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Driftwood Lounge
, 1121 7th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Eagles Club
, 315 3rd Avenue, Huntington, WV
Eagles Club
, 315 3rd Avenue SM, Huntington, WV
East & W Congregation Jehovahs
, 10 Wood Drive, Huntington, WV
East Baptist Temple
, 902 21st Street, Huntington, WV
Eastwood Learning Center
, 5730 East Pea Ridge Road, Huntington, WV
Ebenezer Community Outreach
, 1660 8th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Ebenezer United Methodist Chr
, 1660 8th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Eighteenth Street United Chr
, 1541 18th Street, Huntington, WV
Elk Lodge 313
, P.O. BOX 1216, Huntington, WV
Elks Lodge
, 1015 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Emmanual Community Church
, 445 Adams Avenue, Huntington, WV
Encouragers Fellowship Church
, 1630 Doulton Avenue, Huntington, WV
Enslow Park Presbt Church
, 1338 Enslow Boulevard, Huntington, WV
Eric Lewis Rev
, 2 Rutland Avenue, Huntington, WV
Faith United Methodist Church
, 2044 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Fifth Avenue Baptist Church
, 1135 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Fifth Avenue Baptst Child Care
, P.O. BOX 1056, Huntington, WV
First Baptist Church
, 801 6th Avenue, Huntington, WV
First Christian Baptist Chr
, 402 Buffington Street, Huntington, WV
First Chrstn Bptst Chrch Hntin
, 402 Buffington Street, Huntington, WV
First Church Of The Nazarene
, 321 30th Street, Huntington, WV
First Congregational Church
, 701 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
First Presbyterian Church
, 1015 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
First United Methodist Church
, 1124 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
First Wesleyan Church
, 3135 Washington Boulevard, Huntington, WV
First Wesleyan Church Inc
, 3135 Washington Boulevard, Huntington, WV
Foe 2320
, 315 3rd Avenue, Huntington, WV
Fourth Ave Untd Methdst Church
, P.O. BOX 3081, Huntington, WV
Fourth Avenue Methodist Church
, 3031 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Fourth Avenue United Methodist
, 3116 Merrill Avenue, Huntington, WV
Fraternal Order Of Eagles
, 315 3rd Avenue, Huntington, WV
Free Will Baptist Church
, 5381 Lynn Creek Road, Huntington, WV
Full Gospel Assembly
, P.O. BOX 1269, Huntington, WV
Full Gospel Assembly
, 1673 9th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Fund of Lydia Fellowship
, 2007 Miller Road, Huntington, WV
Funny Bone Comedy Club
, 26 Pullman Square, Huntington, WV
Glorious Ch of God
, 1665 10th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Good Samaritan Methodist Chr
, 1610 Florence Avenue, Huntington, WV
Good Shephard Freewill
, P.O. BOX 4179, Huntington, WV
Good Shephard Freewill Baptist
, 5470 West Pea Ridge Road, Huntington, WV
Good Smrtan Untd Mthdst Church
, 1610 Florence Avenue, Huntington, WV
Gospel Chapel
, P.O. BOX 8164, Huntington, WV
Gospel Chapel
, 1236 28th Street, Huntington, WV
Grace Christian School
, P.O. BOX 9128, Huntington, WV
Greater Huntington Association
, 104 4th Avenue B, Huntington, WV
Greater Huntington Bapt Assn
, 104 4th Avenue # B, Huntington, WV
Green Valley Baptist Bible Chr
, 3805 16th Street Road, Huntington, WV
Guyan Golf & Country Club
, 5450 Us Route 60, Huntington, WV
Guyandotte Church Of Christ
, 207 Staunton Street, Huntington, WV
Guyandotte United Methodist Ch
, 311 Main Street, Huntington, WV
Hadassah Womens Zionist Orgn
, 1420 MORRIS CT, Huntington, WV
Hand God United Baptist Church
, 121 26th Street, Huntington, WV
Hand Of God Church
, 121 26th Street, Huntington, WV
Hand Of God United Baptist Ch
, 421 Crescent Drive, Huntington, WV
Hands Extended Inc
, 1616 Doulton Avenue, Huntington, WV
Hank's Wallstreet Tavern
, 1019 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Health Care & Social Svc Union
, 2200 Adams Avenue, Huntington, WV
Highlawn Baptist Church
, 2788 Collis Avenue, Huntington, WV
Highlawn Church of Christ
, 2700 Latulle Avenue, Huntington, WV
Highlawn Church Of Christ
, 27th & Latulle Avenue, Huntington, WV
Highlawn Full Gospel Assem of
, 2485 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Highlawn Full Gospel Assembly
, 2485 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Highlawn Presbyterian Church
, 2814 Collis Avenue, Huntington, WV
Highlawn United Methodist Chr
, 225 28th Street, Huntington, WV
Holy Spirit Orthodox Church
, 2109 10th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Holy Spirit Orthodox Church
, 1 Woodhaven Drive, Huntington, WV
Home Life Residential Trtmnt
, 404 Washington Avenue, Huntington, WV
Homeless Veterans Outreach Ctr
, 624 10th Street, Huntington, WV
Hope Center United Pent Church
, 104 Louis Court, Huntington, WV
House of God
, 1905 Madison Avenue, Huntington, WV
House of Prayer
, 216 10th Street, Huntington, WV
Human Resource Development
, 2699 Park Avenue # 210c, Huntington, WV
Huntington Area Dev Council
, 916 5th Avenue # 400, Huntington, WV
Huntington Cabell Wayne Animal Control
, 1901 James River Road, Huntington, WV
Huntington Evnglstic Ctr Chrch
, 2510 Washington Boulevard, Huntington, WV
Huntington Foundation Inc
, P.O. BOX 2548, Huntington, WV
Huntington Foundation Inc
, 401 11th Street # 306, Huntington, WV
Huntington Frst Chrch Nazarene
, 321 30th Street, Huntington, WV
Huntington Masonic Temple Assn
, P.O. BOX 1402, Huntington, WV
Huntington Rgnal Chmber Cmmrce
, P.O. BOX 1509, Huntington, WV
Huntington Scttish Rite Bodies
, P.O. BOX 294, Huntington, WV
Huntington Untd Baptst Church
, 1101 17th Street, Huntington, WV
I Play Tennis Inc
, 9 Heritage Park, Huntington, WV
Information and Referal Svc
, 455 9th Street, Huntington, WV
J W Scott Community Center
, 1637 8th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Jack Mayes
, 933 Turner Road, Huntington, WV
Jackson Ave Chrch God Hlliness
, 1301 Jackson Avenue, Huntington, WV
James Hensley
, Buffalo Creek Road, Huntington, WV
James L Parsons
, 4443 Auburn Road, Huntington, WV
Jefferson AV Church of God
, 2039 Jefferson Avenue, Huntington, WV
Jefferson Ave Baptist Church
, 615 10th Street West, Huntington, WV
Johnson Mem Untd Mthdst Church
, P.O. BOX 26, Huntington, WV
Kellogg Ind Hliness Church God
, 4430 Piedmont Road, Huntington, WV
Knights of Columbus
, 1429 6th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Kurt Anderson
, 5 Red Bud Lane, Huntington, WV
L W Bill Holley
, 1956 Underwood Avenue, Huntington, WV
League of Women Voters of US
, 706 Ridgewood Road, Huntington, WV
Leo Skaggs
, 217 Richmond Street, Huntington, WV
Lewis Memorial Baptist Church
, 5385 West Pea Ridge Road, Huntington, WV
M H Wilson Rev
, 335 Saint Louis Avenue, Huntington, WV
Macedonia Baptist Church
, 4298 Prices Creek Road, Huntington, WV
Madison Ave Church of God
, 1201 Madison Avenue, Huntington, WV
Marshall Catholic Community
, 1609 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV
McCabe G E Rev
, P.O. BOX 9035, Huntington, WV
Michael S Chapman Rev
, 1776 Woodward Terrace, Huntington, WV
Ministries Cc
, 1518 4th Avenue, Huntington, WV
Mount Union United Methodist
, Mount Union Road, Huntington, WV
Mount Zion Frwill Bptst Church
, 2123 Pleasant Valley Drive, Huntington, WV
Muslim Association Huntington
, 1628 13th Avenue, Huntington, WV
New Beginning Apostolic Church
, 1002 25th Street, Huntington, WV
New Beginning Apostolic Church
, P.O. BOX 5568, Huntington, WV
New Beginning United Baptist
, 3304 Haneys Branch Road, Huntington, WV
New Birth Indep Baptist Church
, 829a Buffalo Creek Road, Huntington, WV
New Life Book Store
, P.O. BOX 1113, Huntington, WV
New Start Ministries
, 1616 Doulton Avenue, Huntington, WV
Norwood Free Methodist Church
, 3740 Norwood Road, Huntington, WV
Off The Shoulder Gentlemens Cl
, 3274 Us Route 60, Huntington, WV
Ohio Special Olympics
, 1215 Charleston Avenue, Huntington, WV
Ohio Valley Environmental
, PO Box 6753, Huntington, WV
Ohio Vly Envromental Coalition
, P.O. BOX 6753, Huntington, WV
Olive Baptist Church
, 6286 Little Seven Mile Road, Huntington, WV
Olive Baptist Church
, 6288 Little Seven Mile Road, Huntington, WV
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